Company Introduction
KONFORMITÁS Certifying Ltd.
The main objective of the KONFORMITÁS Certifying Ltd. is to support its partners’ long term market success due to its system certifying activity
- Our regulated and transparent conformity evaluation system is based on the principles and requirements of the standards MSZ EN ISO/IEC 17021:2007. We are committed to the impartiality of the control systems’ certification, which is successfully achieved by our top management and by our certifying staff in its activity via procedure control.
We expect from our colleagues an independent, impartial and well established judgement and confidential handling of every information learned during their work. We take into consideration the guidelines and recommendations of the international and national certifying organisations and we follow their regulations and ethical requirements. - The main objective of the operation of the impartial and prepared conformity evaluation system is to gain unconditional trust in every party interested in the certification. In our activity we continuously analyse and minimize the incompatible factors which endanger the validation of these principles.
- In Certification questions we provide up-to-date, liable and correct information for every party involved and we assure that any complaints which come to us are managed and investigated and the results are continuously publicised.
- The regularity of our Certification activities is also ensured by the operation of our own quality control system.
- The KONFORMITÁS Certifying Ltd. continuously demonstrates preparedness in its certification activities by upholding its own accredited status and developing the professional fields.
- We pay special attention in selecting our colleagues with regards to their professional competence, personal commitment and quality focused thinking towards environmental responsibility, therefore assuring the high standard of our clients’ system certification.
- In our Certification system we continuously apply quality improvements by tracking the changes in the international practice and developing the various accredited system certification activities.
- For the resources necessary for the operation of our Certification activities the owners of the KONFORMITAS Certifying Ltd. and the managing director are responsible. It is supervised by the Governing Body
We offer our System Certification Services for every organisation including producers, suppliers, distributors and trading or commercial units with no restriction and differentiation.
Szeged, 3rd Feb 2020
Benákné Szűcs Katalin
Managing Director
Contact details:
Office central number:
Tel/fax: (+36 62) 482-853
Managing Director: Benákné Szűcs Katalin (+36 20) 971-1121
Quality control manager / project manager:
(+36 70) 618-8905
- offers, contracts, finances
(+36 30) 536-7040 - audit conciliation and certification administration
(+36 30) 536-7040