The Quality Control and Environmental Control System Audit of an organisation is completed by an audit-team specialised in the given professional field. The audit-team can consist of one person (leading auditor) or several co-auditors depending on the size of the Organisation. An external professional can be involved into the audit if it is needed by the Company’s activity. The Quality and Environmental Control Systems of the Organisation have to operate at least 2 months prior to the commencement of the audit. The Organisations can initiate the commencement of the certification procedure by sending the completed Certificability Registration Form.

The names of the auditors taking part in the Certification Procedure and the exact date and time of the audit are given in writing. If you have any objections against any member of the audit-team please let us know in writing with justification within 8 days after receiving the notice to be able to make changes to the personnel of the audit.

The exact schedule of the audit will be passed to you one week prior to the commencement of the audit included in the Review Scheme.

If you experience any inefficiency during the audit, please let us know in writing addressed to the managing director of the Konformitás Ltd., who will take measures to investigate any complaints within 60 days.